My Believe Out Loud Piece: A Challenge From LGBTQ Fly Over Country

Even as we strive to emulate God’s infinite love, embracing and welcoming all as they are, we sometimes falter. Bisexuality invisibility is one instance of that faltering. During this Bisexual Awareness Week, I felt called to share my thoughts on how we too often “fly over” the B in LGBT in a recent post for […]

Lent Is a Time to Follow the Highway to Zion

I became aware of my trust in God when I was thirteen, during an overnight with the daughter of our church’s minister. We weren’t in the same school, but that year her dad taught our confirmation class and we became friends. We had turned the lights out—her mother had asked us to—but, as usual, we […]

My Believe Out Loud Piece – Wondrous Confusion: How My Gender Shimmers In The Fluidity Of Being Bi

While I identify as bisexual, my sexual orientation has been a point of confusion for me throughout my life. In my latest Believe Out Loud piece, I explore the fluidity of my personal experience of gender and how it contributes to whom I am capable of loving.

Everyone in Every Church is in the Same Pickle

According to my daily calendar that features an uplifting quotation in the spirit of “Keep Calm and Carry On,” American lieutenant general Lewis “Chesty” Puller was the one who first said, “We’re all in the same pickle.” It came to my mind as I pondered a provocative comment by a conservative pastor friend of mine.