Let Us Sing in Harmony this Christmas

Merry Christmas to you! My deep Christmas wish is the same one expressed in the spring this year through the website Harmony In Church, a resource created to help Christians live together in harmony when we disagree on some things. Perhaps you remember that effort. When I looked back at Christmas reflections from years past, […]

My Believe Out Loud Post: ”Bisexual Privilege?” No—Just the Opposite!

When I wrote about my “straight privilege” for Believe Out Loud during Holy Week this year, some readers took issue with what they interpreted as a message that Bi folk have it easy. It couldn’t be further from the truth. Bisexual people face higher rates of suicide, illness and poverty than their gay and lesbian […]

Our Children, the PCUSA General Assembly and the Future

Blessed to be a commissioner to the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Detroit this June, I have publicly vowed to vote from start to finish as the majority of the Young Adult Advisory Delegates (YAADs) do. Reaction to this commitment has been mixed, from both older and younger Presbyterians. Some of […]

Lent Is a Time to Follow the Highway to Zion

I became aware of my trust in God when I was thirteen, during an overnight with the daughter of our church’s minister. We weren’t in the same school, but that year her dad taught our confirmation class and we became friends. We had turned the lights out—her mother had asked us to—but, as usual, we […]

My Believe Out Loud Piece – Advent: The Practice of Active Waiting

Advent season is upon us! In my latest piece for Believe Out Loud, I share my reflections on the attentive waiting that shaped the Advent seasons of my childhood and how it informs my outlook today, especially as we celebrate a year of incredible progress for the LGBT community. Here is an excerpt from the […]

My Believe Out Loud Piece – Wondrous Confusion: How My Gender Shimmers In The Fluidity Of Being Bi

While I identify as bisexual, my sexual orientation has been a point of confusion for me throughout my life. In my latest Believe Out Loud piece, I explore the fluidity of my personal experience of gender and how it contributes to whom I am capable of loving.