My Christian Century Post: Freedom of conscience, freedom from fear

This May, something I thought impossible happened: through the action of a federal court in Pennsylvania and the 221st General Assembly of the PCUSA, I was, for the first time, allowed to pursue my freedom of conscience to preside at weddings of loving same-gender couples in my home state. Freedom of conscience is often cited […]

Reflections on the PCUSA General Assembly & How the Young Adult Advisory Delegates Led the Way

When I arrived as a Commissioner for the Presbyterian Church 221st General Assembly (GA) last month, I had publicly committed to vote in solidarity with the Young Adult Advisory Delegates (YAADs). I confess my commitment was tested on the very first significant choice before us: the vote for Moderator of the assembly. As is always […]

The Craig Fahle Show: Presbyterians Take Up Gay Marriage Issue

It has been a momentous month for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Last week brought an end to the 221st General Assembly in Detroit, where, I am grateful to report, we took huge strides toward greater equality and inclusion in the church. Over sixty percent of the General Assembly voted in favor of giving pastors the […]

My Christian Century Post: Bisexual in the Church

Coming out as bi was a moment of clarity for me. Everything I had known about myself suddenly came together, like a hundred puzzle pieces finally settling into place. These moments are not always easy. We lay bare our souls to the world and it can put tension on relationships – with family and loved […]

Join me for the #GAMargins Twitter Chat!

As we gear up for the 221st General Assembly, I am reminded that some communities, like youth and LGBT people, have been sitting at the margins of the church for too long. It’s time for everyone to have an equal voice in shaping the future of the church. Mieke Vandersall, John Russell Stanger and I […]

First Steps on a Pilgrimage: A Reflection on the Thinking of Lee and Vines

The pilgrim’s journey has been central to Christian tradition from the beginning. It’s a helpful image for the still unresolved discernment among Christians about the place of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in God’s heart and in the church. We inherited the spiritual practice from the Jews: remember Jesus’ repeated treks to Jerusalem […]

Voting with the YAADs – Continued Dialogue and Reflection

Since I announced my intention to vote with the YAADs at the PCUSA General Assembly, I’ve had a range of conversations – both online and in person. I am deeply grateful to John Vest for his comments on a recent post where I shared the influence on this commitment of Kahlil Gibran’s insights set to […]

Our Children, the PCUSA General Assembly and the Future

Blessed to be a commissioner to the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Detroit this June, I have publicly vowed to vote from start to finish as the majority of the Young Adult Advisory Delegates (YAADs) do. Reaction to this commitment has been mixed, from both older and younger Presbyterians. Some of […]

Lent Is a Time to Follow the Highway to Zion

I became aware of my trust in God when I was thirteen, during an overnight with the daughter of our church’s minister. We weren’t in the same school, but that year her dad taught our confirmation class and we became friends. We had turned the lights out—her mother had asked us to—but, as usual, we […]

My Believe Out Loud Piece – Beyond Either/Or: How I Am Bisexual Everywhere & All The Time

So often I have encountered misconceptions about bisexuality—that bisexuals “become” straight or gay depending on the gender of our partner. In fact, I do not live an either/or life; I am simply bi, always and everywhere, wholly content to dwell in the complexity of the both/and experience. What does that look like? I recently wrote […]