“We will not fear…”

Perhaps you know this prayer. We used it responsively a few weeks ago in Sunday worship at my church. It is an expression of faith and trust in God that can inspire these in us when our hearts falter. From this trust grows the courage we need to face all the challenges before us.

Lead Me, Guide Me

This song has been my companion in some of the most troubled times of my life. If it is fair to say that right now is a troubled time in the Presbyterian Chuch (U.S.A.) then this prayer can uphold us as we faithfully walk the path we are able to see before us as a community in Christ.

For Courage in Christ’s Mission

The intensity of this prayer seems way beyond the routines and commitments of my life. And yet, to proclaim the Gospel in our time and place may, indeed, need such faith. We can pray for this devotion to be evident in our church and then see what happens. God could answer our prayer with amazing activity among us.

An Unshakeable Call

Today I want to share with you a strong sense of call: the call to stand for moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) It is clear that we are in a crucial moment in the church. To move forward together, we must find ways to live as the Body of Christ with power and proclaim the Gospel with joy and courage. This is what we all want to do and I feel that my call is to help move the church in this direction.

A Lenten Prayer

This poetic prayer for the Lenten season holds together the suffering of the cross with the hope of flourishing life. It also holds together the dryness of our spirits in troubled times with the nourishment God offers in Christ so that we can bear good fruit.

The Prayer of St. Francis

For many, many years, this prayer was among the words I spoke to God before I got out of bed in the morning. I found it to be a very profound spiritual exercise to seek to understand more than to be understood.

Christ Has No Body On Earth But Ours

Christ has no body on earth but ours; Ours are the only hands which Christ can use to work, Ours are the only feet with which Christ can go about the world, Ours are the only eyes through which Christ’s compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world. Christ has no body on earth now […]