
An Unshakeable Call


Today I want to share with you a strong sense of call: the call to stand for moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

When I first sensed this call back in 2010, I was shocked – and even a little intimidated. But the call was as profound as the most important calls that I have had in my life. It was as strong and as deep as my calls to ordained ministry, to marry my husband Alvise, to become a mother and to explore praying without ceasing that came while I was a doctoral student in spirituality.

I have given much time to prayerfully explore this call. I have spent months in reflection on it and sought the wisdom of family, friends, and colleagues in the church. Throughout this time, this call has been unshakeable.

It is clear that we are in a crucial moment in the church. To move forward together, we must find ways to live as the Body of Christ with power and proclaim the Gospel with joy and courage. This is what we all want to do and I feel that my call is to help move the church in this direction.

This is why, in faithful response to this call, as a commissioner to the assembly, I have informed the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly that I am standing for the office of Moderator of the 220th General Assembly.

It has become standard practice for those standing for the office of moderator of the General Assembly in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to create a place in cyberspace where the church can get to know who we are, what we have done and what moves us to stand for moderator.

I have created a place for this called Forward Together with Courage: I will be sharing regular blog posts on this new site and I hope with all my heart that you will join in the discussion there.

I will also continue blogging on this site,, but with less frequency than I have in the past. I trust you will understand and forgive fewer posts over the next few months as I give my full self over to this unyielding call to serve the church in this new way.

I want you all to know that I have treasured the last few years of discussion and dialogue on this site and it is my hope that the discussion continues here for many years to come.

Thank you for your thoughtful and prayerful consideration of what I have shared.


Reverend Janet Edwards

4 Responses
  • Calvin on March 2, 2012


  • Janet Edwards on March 2, 2012

    Dear Calvin,

    Your conclusion is duly noted.

    I invite you to share what is behind it so that we might actually have the kind of dialogue that Jesus seems to have enjoyed with those who disagreed with him.

    Thanks for offering more of your thoughtfulness to us so that we may truly make this a time to embrace.

    Peace, Janet

  • Donna on March 3, 2012


    Does this mean that you will be moderator or that it has yet to be voted on? I don’t understand…


  • Janet Edwards on March 3, 2012

    Dear Donna,

    Thanks for the question as I expect many share it!

    There are presently five commissioners to the assembly standing for Moderator. You can find links to websites of the other four under Resources on

    The election will come on the evening of June 30 in the David L. Lawrence convention Center in Pittsburgh. The choice of the Moderator is the first action of each General Assembly.

    I hope that is helpful. Peace, Janet

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