My Believe Out Loud Piece: A Challenge From LGBTQ Fly Over Country

Even as we strive to emulate God’s infinite love, embracing and welcoming all as they are, we sometimes falter. Bisexuality invisibility is one instance of that faltering. During this Bisexual Awareness Week, I felt called to share my thoughts on how we too often “fly over” the B in LGBT in a recent post for […]

My Believe Out Loud Piece: The Dawn Light Of Christmas

The story of Christmas is so often told as the story of triumph of light over dark. From John 1:5 to 1 Peter 1:19, the Bible is suffused with allusions to the comings and goings of light. How are we to understand this? As Christmas draws near and we ponder this question, I am humbled […]

What Coming Out To Myself as Bi Meant to Me

The following is a sermon I gave on September 28th in support of Bisexuality Visibility Day. Please give it a read, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. I look forward to reading them. Since I first heard it, the story in the Gospels of the woman with the years-long flow […]

Bi in Pennsylvania

I am blessed to be a volunteer for Equality Pennsylvania, which is working to bring anti-discrimination protection to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in my state. We are working especially hard to amplify the voices of people whose faith drives them to know that everyone deserves to feel safe in their home, their […]

My Believe Out Loud Piece – Beyond Either/Or: How I Am Bisexual Everywhere & All The Time

So often I have encountered misconceptions about bisexuality—that bisexuals “become” straight or gay depending on the gender of our partner. In fact, I do not live an either/or life; I am simply bi, always and everywhere, wholly content to dwell in the complexity of the both/and experience. What does that look like? I recently wrote […]

Supporting Marriage—Before God And These Witnesses

Believe Out Loud: For those who have been confused, I have regularly shared the story of discovering who I am and sharing that news with my husband in 1998 – after 17 years of marriage. Alvise knew how important our wedding vows were to me. He articulated better than I could what my being bisexual meant to him (and also to me). He put it this way: “What you are saying is you love me out of all possible people on the face of this earth, not just half. Actually, that makes me feel very special.” Continue Reading