That They May Have My Joy Complete in Themselves

Text: John 17:12-19
When has Jesus’ joy been complete in you?

If We Walk in the Light As He Is In the Light

Text: 1 John 1:1-10
In what fellowship do you walk in God’s light?

For God’s Steadfast Love Endures Forever

Text: Psalm 136
What stories that display God’s enduring love would you add to this psalm?

We Cannot Keep From Speaking

Text: Acts 4:13-31
When were you unable to keep from speaking and what happened?

When the Spirit of Truth Comes

Text: John 16:1-15
What has the Spirit of Truth declared to you?

Breathe Upon These Slain, That They May Live

Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14
What are the dry bones in your life?

When I Fall, I Shall Rise

Text: Micah 7:7-15
How has Jesus helped you rise?

Peace I Leave With You; My Peace I Give To You

Text: John 14:15-31
When did the Advocate teach you something?

It Was Impossible For Him to Be Held in Its Power

Text: Acts 2:14, 22-32
What do you make of Peter’s assertion that he and others witnessed resurrection?

Holiness Befits Your House, O God, Forevermore

Text: Psalm 93
What other Easter images lead you to exclaim: “Holiness befits Your house, O God”?