
Breathe Upon These Slain, That They May Live

This meditation is based on a passage for April 28, 2011 in the Daily Lectionary Year 1 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14

Reflection and Question: This week, thirty years ago, my husband and I were married. One of the lectionary texts for that day was this prophecy in Ezekiel of how God brings the dry bones back to life. The Easter meaning of this passage is clear — the graves open and the spirit breathes life into the people. I remember how the preacher at our wedding told us that this showed that God was waiting for us when we would get home to begin our married life together. Whatever we had been, God would breathe a loving spirit into our lives. What are the dry bones in your life?

Prayer: Blessed Spirit of God, raise our old bones, lay sinews upon them, cover us with skin so that we may live with joy and love. Lift us from the graves of fear, doubt or despair. Place us on the soil of Your goodness where we may act according to You will. Amen.