
How the Creation Stories in Genesis Inform My Faith


Recently my friend Thomas Waters cited Genesis 1:31 as a Biblical foundation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusion in the church:

“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.”

For me, there is simply no exception to “everything,” both in these beautiful descriptions of God’s creations that we see in Genesis and in God’s creation that we see all around us in our own time. This is one of the reasons I work for full inclusion of LGBT people in the church. God has made them, and indeed, they are very good.

But Genesis doesn’t stop with God creating the world and declaring it good. In the second chapter, man, Adam, is created, then the garden for the man to live in. Genesis 2:18 continues the story:

“Then the Lord God said, ‘it is not good that the man should live alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.’”

God has created us. And here, God recognizes a fundamental truth of being human: that human beings are meant to be in relationship with others — we are not meant to live alone. Jesus captured this in the commandment: “love your neighbor.”

I cannot recall one hermit in all of Scripture. If you think of one, please let me know. Of course, some, from Moses to Elijah to John and Jesus went off for a time alone. But Moses found a family when he settled in Midian. Elijah built a family with the widow and her son. John and Jesus both lived in a small community of friends called disciples.

Even the desert mothers and fathers in the first centuries after Christ lived in groups. At least, the wisdom of those who lived alone is lost to us now because it was others in the community who recorded the words and described the lives of these faithful people. Scripture and Christian experience reinforce that we are not meant to live alone.

The loving relationships and families forged by LGBT people are gifts to them from God because they, just like all humans, are not meant to live alone. And these families of choice that include friends, sometimes, and, more and more, children, are beautiful gifts from God to our communities. LGBT families such as Vikki and Deb, and Doug and Anthony enhance our neighborhoods and grace us all.

I know that this is my interpretation of the creation stories and that I answer to God in Christ for it. It informs my faith in a way that is harmonious with the God of love made known to me in Jesus, the Christ. Thank you for giving it your prayerful consideration.


Reverend Janet

2 Responses
  • Janet L. Bohren on December 15, 2010

    Amen! I so agree with you. Thank you for this post. I hope many read it and pass it on. Your message is God’s beautiful truth and love for all of us and all of creation.

  • Janet Edwards on December 15, 2010

    Dera Janet,

    You are very kind! And you are very welcome!

    I trust you passed it on as best you could. Each of us doing that is cyberspace at its best.

    May you have a blessed Christmas, Janet.

    Peace, Janet

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