
You Know, I Too Am Watching, Says God

This meditation is based on a passage for March 28, 2011 in the Daily Lectionary Year 1 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: Jeremiah 7:1-15

Reflection and Question: Across thousands of years, Jeremiah’s preaching still cuts to the heart of our relationship with God that we often sully with our deception and wrongdoing. The prophet stands outside the temple, suggesting that the obvious, “This is the temple of the Lord,” is false. Our failure to love God and instead follow other gods like human power or our failure to love our neighbor like the stranger, widow or orphan, will drive God from the temple as God abandoned Shiloh. Jeremiah reminds us now, as he did then, that God is watching. What does Jeremiah’s warning prompt you to do?

Prayer: Spirit of God, make Jeremiah’s words come alive for us. Inspire us to mend our ways and our doings so that we may dwell with You. Keep our focus on acting justly with one another and on worshipping You truly. Then we shall be safe. Amen.