
Jesus Turns Water Into Wine

This meditation is based on a passage for August 6, 2010 in the Daily Lectionary Year 2 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: John 2:1-12

Reflection and Question: The Gospel of John is anchored by a series of miracles that reveal Jesus’ glory as the Son of God, bit by bit, as the story unfolds. This passage tells of the first one: the turning of the water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Here at the beginning, Jesus is the reluctant miracle worker, prodded by His mother to save the honor of the hosts when the wine has run out. Jesus’ attendance at a wedding celebration is taken by some as His seal of approval on the institution of marriage, but the setting here strikes me as incidental. Jesus’ grace and power are central. And He always likes a good feast regardless of the occasion. What is central in this story for you?

Prayer: Holy God, Jesus called You Father, and we know Him as Your Son. With gentleness and care, He starts to reveal his power and glory in a joyous moment of celebration. We give You thanks and watch for Your care for us today. Amen.