
How Was Faith Reckoned to Abraham as Righteousness?

This meditation is based on a passage for June 22, 2010 in the Daily Lectionary Year 2 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: Romans 4:1-12

Reflection and Question: Paul offers Abraham as an example of one who was justified by obeying the law of faith. Only faith was required of Abraham; adherence to the law of circumcision came later as a sign of faith — not an entrance into faith. Circumcision therefore is a sign: perfectly fine, but not required. Using Abraham as an example, Paul puts the whole law into this perspective where the myriad details of the law are okay but not required of devout Christians. What role does the law play, then, in our righteousness?

Prayer: God, our Maker and Judge, we bow under the sins that weigh us down. Forgive us. Reckon not our sins against us. See our belief, as You did Abraham’s, and reckon it to us as righteousness. As You did with Abraham, count us blessed. Amen.