
Bear Fruits Worthy of Repentance

This meditation is based on a passage for May 5, 2011 in the Daily Lectionary Year 1 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: Luke 3:1-14

Reflection and Question: Luke, the consummate storyteller, begins his description of John the Baptist in the same way he begins the Christmas story — by rooting it in the political and religious context of Rome and Judea. Then the personality of John bursts forth as he proclaims “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin.” Echoing Jesus’ theme of “By their fruits you shall know them,” John speaks of the “fruits worthy of repentance.” When questioned, he gets very specific about what he means: sharing with those who have less and being honest and fair in your work. What might be fruits worthy of repentance for you?

Prayer: Jesus, the Christ, cousin to John, the Baptizer, we seek to bring our faith down to earth as John did. Baptized by water and Your Spirit, we yearn to bear fruits worthy of our repentance. Show us exactly what those are and we shall do them. Amen.