
The Parable of the Talents

Text:Matthew 25:14-30

Reflection and Question: In a workshop I attended recently, the leader offered this parable as Jesus’ teaching about what would be required in the church after He ascended into heaven. The workshop leader suggested that Jesus was preparing the early church for the difficult risks they would need to take in order for the church to flourish. Two thousand years later, the lesson continues to challenge us out of our customary caution into risking all we have for the Gospel. Whatever talents we receive, we are to invest them all in God’s purposes. How does this lesson inspire you to take risks to do God’s will?

Prayer: Most loving and powerful God, we know that You give gifts to us according to our ability. Give us the courage to risk ourselves, and our talents, as You desire, so that our efforts may multiply to the greater glory of Your holy Name. Amen.

This meditation is based on the Daily Lectionary Year 1 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).