
That They May Have My Joy Complete in Themselves

This meditation is based on a passage for May 3, 2011 in the Daily Lectionary Year 1 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: John 17:12-19

Reflection and Question: Jesus is praying for us at the last moments before His betrayal and arrest. It may seem that the “them” He is speaking of in this passage are the disciples. However, I am convinced He means to include all of us who, like the disciples, have chosen to follow His example and teaching. Jesus asks God to sanctify us in truth — two words loaded with mystery. What I can hold onto is His plea that His joy may be made complete in us. That is the clue I need for knowing when we are sanctified in truth. It happens when we know true joy. When has Jesus’ joy been complete in you?

Prayer: God Almighty, whom Jesus called Abba, Father, hear His prayer on our behalf. Protect us as we give our selves to Your service in this world, following His example. Sanctify us in truth, we pray, so that His joy may be complete in us. Amen.