What Coming Out To Myself as Bi Meant to Me

The following is a sermon I gave on September 28th in support of Bisexuality Visibility Day. Please give it a read, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. I look forward to reading them. Since I first heard it, the story in the Gospels of the woman with the years-long flow […]

My Christian Century Post: Bisexual in the Church

Coming out as bi was a moment of clarity for me. Everything I had known about myself suddenly came together, like a hundred puzzle pieces finally settling into place. These moments are not always easy. We lay bare our souls to the world and it can put tension on relationships – with family and loved […]

My Churchy Response to Jason Collins Coming Out

What a momentous thing that Jason Collins has become the first American NBA player to come out as gay! At the same time, I agree with Frank Bruni at the New York Times: This will undoubtedly bring a better day for our society, but the best day will come when matters like this are no longer a concern for anybody.

My Coming Out Was An Easter Experience

Believe Out Loud: Wholeness is what I experienced when I found the way to accurately understand my whole self as well as to describe myself to the world. My years of confusion and questioning about my sexual orientation were very much a Lenten journey through the land of my soul. Realizing who I am—a bisexual—was as freeing and life giving as Easter.Continue Reading

Coming Out Is a Courageous and Spiritual Act

As October 2011 draws to an end, I want to express my gratitude to all the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people who were inspired by the tradition of October being Coming Out month to come out to themselves and those around them.

Sing to the Lord a New Song

In the spring and summer of this year, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted on and then made a historical change in policy; one that allows openly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) members to become ordained ministers, elders and deacons. In July, when the policy went into effect, no one knew exactly what the new world we were entering would look like. This weekend, we begin to see the joy and extraordinary gifts that our church will receive.