
Sing to God a New Song!

This meditation is based on a passage for July 10, 2010 in the Daily Lectionary Year 2 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: Psalms 149

Reflection and Question: This lovely poem, with its wonderful images of making melody in praise of God, turns in a different direction in the last few verses. Vengeance and punishment become the glory of God’s people, “all his faithful ones.” That turning point is the image of two-edged swords in the hands of the people. And life does have two edges, the one of joyful singing and the one of judgment. The Psalmist claims that God “adorns the humble with victory,” and honestly recognizes that both singing for joy and binding up one’s enemies are needed for that. Which edge of the sword do you prefer?

Prayer: With truth on our tongues, with gratitude as our friend,
We are in harmony with the universe, as we hold hands with all the people.
The chains of oppression are broken, the fetters of injustice unbound.
The realms of Peace and Love shall reign!
Glory abides with those who are faith-filled.
Praise the beloved!
(Nan Merrill, Psalms for Praying, Psalm 149:5-9)